Video Swaps.


YTtalk Mad
I have seen a few of these recently, and thought I'd post it on here as a possible promotion technique. I'd imagine that it would be great for both parties involved and both people ideally would be getting a 100% new viewers rating, as in everyone watching you won't have seen you before. What do you guys think about this? Anyone done one before, and if so what were the results like?
Cheers :P
I havent done one myself but I can see it working well if done with the right people, for example you would have roughly the same amount of subscribers and views, that way it would be fair and you would be roughly equally promoting each other. How would you go about doing one of these yourself would you just send them a video to upload to their channel that you would have otherwise uploaded to your own with no mention of this taking place in the video?

Personally if I was to do that I would probably tell everyone in the video about what's going on so as not to confuse them. I think it would also be good if you were in the same niche, if one does gameplay commentaries and the other done personal life vlogs it could be very strange seeing that on a gamers channel especially if it wasnt explained in the video. I would try this out myself if I done videos similar to yourself because your videos are mostly about the people in them and getting to know them and swapping with another person who does vlog type videos would help both cross promoters get new people watching as you said and the viewers could appreciate the share.
It sounds like you're talking about putting someone else's video on your channel and vise versa. I was talking about making a collab video or have them cameo in a video. I think its a better than just posting someone else video. I would be up to doing a collab video with someone. Every time I've done it I had a blast. My friend Stien and I used to do collab videos on an old channel of his before he took it down, we even used to have a collab channel with an other youtuber who doesn't post anymore.
Yeah that's what I was getting at, posting one of your videos on someone else's channel and vise-versa. If I was to do one I would definitely explain what was going on first and then go into whatever it is that I would be talking about. Would be quite strange otherwise... :P
But yeah I think it could be a good way to promote yourself, but swapping with the correct person would be essential to getting the most out of it, like you said a vlogger swapping with a gaming channel would be almost pointless... :P
I would do one myself but unfortunately my videos are mainly promotional for here and PimpMyChannel. I hope you can find some people to do this, it should be good and you could let us know the results :)
Yeah thanks. I was thinking maybe we could hold a forum event where we could do a massive video swap with anyone who wants to get involved?
Might be an idea if anyone else is up for it?