Video Making Drawbacks

Sometimes my ambition outstrips my technical abilities (or my computer's abilities) so I will tell myself this isn't the final video, it's a "demo" video, that way I can make a scaled-down version of the idea. Just ask George Lucas, you can always go back and change the originals!
My drawback is a lack of a decent camera person. I have all these great ideas for music videos but I can't shoot dolly scenes with no camera person.
My drawback is a lack of a decent camera person. I have all these great ideas for music videos but I can't shoot dolly scenes with no camera person.

I know the feeling! Sometime trying to prop your camera up with all sorts of junk from your house, just doesn't make the cut haha! Luckily most my videos are the 'sitting down & talking' type! Seriously wish there was like something that you can stick on the wall & then prop your camera on that, would make life so much easier!!
my computer's really screwy so i've made videos, spent hours uploading them, and they would just delete off my computer forever. that always sucks, so i feel you
My draw back is recording time,
In a house with 10 people !
its hard to find the time and quiet needed to record.
Well for me I have the stuff all organized to make the workflow a lot easier and less frustrating. Now the first videos I've done so far were a bit frustrating due to software issues which I have fixed now. It's about workflow though, if you come up with a system you can make it less like work and more fun.

The only drawback I ever really have to be honest is when I have to screw with the tags, description, title and all that to figure out the SEO. Its a pain in the butt!
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I would have to say i am the same way with my old computer the software would freeze up on me and it would just take forever to restart it up! But I luckily got a laptop from my sister and have been using that to edit. I must say MUCH FASTER!!!! haah
Recording time for me. In the past I could record without distraction from sounds, but now I have a new roommate who can be pretty loud and obnoxious and seems to not understand the concept of headphones :/
My drawback to making videos (I have wanted to for a couple of years but only just started) is that I am inept at talking to cameras. I am a reasonably good editor since I have had quite a lot of experience editing things not for YouTube and computer power isn't a problem since I have a high end boutique gaming build.