Video Making Drawbacks


YTTalk Shape Shifter
Does anyone ever get such awesome ideas for a video, but there's always that one drawback that makes you loose motivation?

It gets quite bad for me in this sense, as my drawback is my pc, it's terribly bad at video editing. On a cutting, and transitioning (if that's a word) part it's ok but when it comes to compositing and more advanced things it is just terrible and takes forever to render, by the time i've had enough stress getting through the lag i've lost motiviation and even moreso from the render time. If I had a much faster pc i'd be making videos all the time, I'd have lots more on my channel...

What about you, what are your drawbacks and how did you overcome them if you did?
I usually have all these great ideas, but since I can't make videos the moment these ideas occur in my head(since I make videos with my friend), it seems to be sort of a drawback.
Like, when we are both there, and ready to record it's like most of the energy I had when I thought of the idea has vanished.
I usually have all these great ideas, but since I can't make videos the moment these ideas occur in my head(since I make videos with my friend), it seems to be sort of a drawback.
Like, when we are both there, and ready to record it's like most of the energy I had when I thought of the idea has vanished.
I get that too sometimes, that's why I try to write ideas down but then I realise how silly they sound :P
Mine isn't really a hardware limitation, but the amount of work and studying I have to do really holds me back from making the videos I want to. I've written and thrown out soooo many scripts because I just can't find the time to film and edit. Sucks, man :(
Mine isn't really a hardware limitation, but the amount of work and studying I have to do really holds me back from making the videos I want to. I've written and thrown out soooo many scripts because I just can't find the time to film and edit. Sucks, man :(
oh yeah you do film reviews right? Knowing loads of stuff about the films must take quite a bit of time!
Every single time... You know when I started YouTube, I actually wanted to do Machinimas? Never got around to it, constant drawbacks.
oh yeah you do film reviews right? Knowing loads of stuff about the films must take quite a bit of time!
Not just that, I like to have enough jokes and humour in my content to stand me out. I want to make sure the videos I'm making are of a high standard, and I'd rather not do it at all than half-a**e it.
Does anyone ever get such awesome ideas for a video, but there's always that one drawback that makes you loose motivation?

It gets quite bad for me in this sense, as my drawback is my pc, it's terribly bad at video editing. On a cutting, and transitioning (if that's a word) part it's ok but when it comes to compositing and more advanced things it is just terrible and takes forever to render, by the time i've had enough stress getting through the lag i've lost motiviation and even moreso from the render time. If I had a much faster pc i'd be making videos all the time, I'd have lots more on my channel...

What about you, what are your drawbacks and how did you overcome them if you did?
When I have an idea that is awesome, but work, school, and life are all too busy to do it. Once I get my MBA in October it will free up a lot of time. Work is a necessary evil, so unless I hit the Lotto, it will be there. Or if my rapping dogs idea takes off and lands me a record deal....
When I have an idea that is awesome, but work, school, and life are all too busy to do it. Once I get my MBA in October it will free up a lot of time. Work is a necessary evil, so unless I hit the Lotto, it will be there. Or if my rapping dogs idea takes off and lands me a record deal....
those rapping dogs are sure to take off :D
I just had the worst video making afternoon ever! Had to re-record a tutorial video three times because my audio software crashed due to memory problems, running the software alone is not a problem, but capturing my screen + recording voice sound + recording system sound + running the audio program seems to be too much. Guess it's time to upgrade to a second PC so I can use that to record the video and audio from the other machine and thus safe some CPU power on my music machine.