Video ideas?

Haha actually one of the Australians just moved to London :p Does that count? Hahahha.
Hmmm...I'll let it slide since Australians and Londoners get mixed up by foreigners often enough :P I LIVE IN LONDON TOO! Might just have to crash one of your partner's videos one day...
Yes!!! You should that would be so awesome! His channel is TotesHeccas :) He's fairly new at making videos, but he's hilarious!!
LOL uh oh two different crazies meeting together... BOOM :confused: and I don't know! I just usually look through my subscriptions and I usually see a couple of people who have done the same tag!
LOL uh oh two different crazies meeting together... BOOM :confused: and I don't know! I just usually look through my subscriptions and I usually see a couple of people who have done the same tag!
Trust don't want two different types of crazy colliding. Crazy should be of the same type if you wanna stay relatively safe :P