Verified YTtalk Members

All you can do there is report the channel for impersonation, go to the channel, click the about tab and then the flag at the bottom left and then click Report User, you can select impersonation there :)

I already tried, But it said I had to find comments that he posted, and most users That had asked me about this had already deleted the comments, so I couldn't report it :(
Just updated this, you can now receive verified status with either 100k or more subscribers or with more than 25 million views, this is to allow those with large audiences but less subscribers still become verified.
I was wondering what that whole "verified" thing was about when I first signed on, now I see why it was done! Gee, now I feel kinda flattered, although right now a bunch of people are scratching their heads and saying "Who are these babyteeth4 kids, I never heard of them.." :redface: It's okay, we got there by views, not subs, man I'd love to have 100k subs some day...maybe in 2015?