using other youtubers b-roll footage?

Hi, I'm a tech youtubers just starting out. I want to do a video (not a review, just my thoughts on the product) about a new product, I want to use a lot of b-roll, but I'm unable to get the device. I was wondering about using other youtubers b-roll footage of the product. I've seen a lot of people do this, I was wondering if there's anything I'd need to do before doing this, and if I'm aloud to do it at all.
Hi Joe,

I see no reason that you wouldn't be able to use some of their footage providing that you've contacted them and asked if you can have their permission (In writing) to use the video footage. They may request that they're credited for the footage or have some other request along those lines but that's not out of the ordinary.

If they say no, hopefully you can find someone else that has footage just as good, if not better that will say yes to letting you use it.

Hope this helped but it is just my view, others may think differently.
Legally you need their permission, otherwise, they could sue for plagiarism.
If you are not able to receive permission (they won't reply), then give a lot of credit, don't monetize it, and keep asking. However, if you do decide to not ask permission and just give credit and not monetize, still ask for permission, AND suggest to take down the video if they want.

Hope I helped!
If you're going to use material that isn't yours, you need to contact the proper right's holder and get permission. Before you do that, you may want to fix the typo in your YouTube banner.