Ugh topic ideas??

Make one about how to jazz up your locker. Believe it or not, I had a Technology project based completely around making drawers and a little secret compartment in my locker! :-D

Also if you have a series on highschool and stuff, you should look up "Ned's declassified School Survival guide". It's a small Nickleodeon Drama/ Comedy series which you could use as inspiration for things to talk about as it tackles loads of things that happen in high school and middle school :-)
For high school... it could maybe be about mapping out a way to get to class on time while also being able to get any books you need, go to the bathroom, visit with friends, etc... I hope the new series goes well!
Make one about how to jazz up your locker. Believe it or not, I had a Technology project based completely around making drawers and a little secret compartment in my locker! :-D

Also if you have a series on highschool and stuff, you should look up "Ned's declassified School Survival guide". It's a small Nickleodeon Drama/ Comedy series which you could use as inspiration for things to talk about as it tackles loads of things that happen in high school and middle school :)
For high school... it could maybe be about mapping out a way to get to class on time while also being able to get any books you need, go to the bathroom, visit with friends, etc... I hope the new series goes well!
I have seen the show! Lol loved it!
Thanks guys! I'll do a few of those!
Also if you have a series on highschool and stuff, you should look up "Ned's declassified School Survival guide". It's a small Nickleodeon Drama/ Comedy series which you could use as inspiration for things to talk about as it tackles loads of things that happen in high school and middle school :)
This was so much fun to watch when it was around! :D