Twitter link not displaying icon

Zach Werre

Well-Known Member
When I add a link to my Twitter in the links section of my channel page, the blue Twitter bird icon doesn't appear. All that gets displayed is a white and gray global. I don't have this problem with Facebook or other sites. Does anybody know what the issue is and how to fix it?
Yeah, this seems to be a problem for everyone at the moment. The fix used to be make sure that you're linking to the secure twitter URL ( and not but that doesn't seem to be making any difference any more. I'm sure they'll fix it eventually. ^^
My channel displays twitter icon. What I did was remove twitter link ,and re-entered it in that form -
"https : / / w w w (DOT)twitter(DOT)com/Weebster_Game" and it worked. ( had to use spaces and "dots" because I can't post links)