Other Twitter Cross-Promotion

Jake Shipe

Liking YTtalk
Hey everyone! So this thread is for anyone who wants to help other youtubers out, and get help yourself! Everyone post your Twitter @ name, and we can all tweet about each other's videos... This can be very helpful in gaining new viewers!!

My Twitter is @jakeshake1919

Leave a reply and we can help each other promote!
My twitter is : @r4ttl3d1

Check it out if you'd like, I tweet random stuff about football and gaming and just life really. I'll be sure to check out people who follow me always!
My twitter is @BeckyBooYT , I mostly just post about my life, retweet funny things and share my videos on there :p
This seems like a nice idea :) my Twitter is @Oukanna I tend to tweet a couple of times a day on games news, then my YouTube, Twitch streams and random funny things :)