TSE - The Sticky Effect - Stick in your Audiences Minds!


I Love YTtalk
I thought I would do an article on what I am from now on calling TSE or The Sticky Effect, to cover what it is basically it is your videos ability to stick your brand/channel into your target audiences memory. You want them to remember you or your logo and other branding correct?

Advertisements on TV use similar techniques in order to get the most from their ads and it is something to consider when making your videos and when thinking about your branding in general.

To achieve TSE (The Sticky Effect) you should follow these tips.

Achieving The Sticky Effect

1. Make sure your branding which could be a logo, watermark or an intro stands out from the crowd, you want something memorable so that your viewers can associate you with it, it could be an emblem, logo or text with a specific font, make sure you use it consistently.

Repeating always helps keep things in other peoples thoughts. If you cant design or make such things you can post a request on our forums for help or for someone to make you one. Try and use something that looks professional as possible, a bad logo is as bad as no logo at all.

2. When talking in your video you should mention your channel and channel name throughout it, not all of the time but where appropriate like at the start and at the end. Make sure you speak clear too so that it can be heard and try and have a pronouncable channel name if possible too although that is very hard on YouTube these days. For example, if I said Psygnosis2k11 that would be hard for people to spell if typing in your URL and also remember, if I said GamingMonkeys, that is much easier to remember, listen to and spell.

3. When conversing with others on YouTube, mention your channel name in comments, for example, I write "Thanks for subscribing on someones channel" and another time I write "Thanks for subscribing - GamingMonkeys" the latter is always better, when them and others read it will be something they come to remember if seen often enough.

4. When promoting yourself around the internet for example on yttalk.com you could use your logo in your signature or as part of a signature linking to your channel or videos. Have an avatar with your logo or channel name on it, just seeing it could drive someone to your channel to start watching and commenting on your videos.

5. Present yourself as professionally within your niche if it is posssible especially if youre promoting more serious videos, if you're in a niche such as gaming behave and present yourself similar to those with more popular channels but of course dont ignore your fans as some can do, converse with them regularly as much as you can on YouTube, try to keep it on YouTube too as much as you can.

6. Be as friendly as possible, of course there are boundaries and theres a middle where point with friendliness and where you draw the line. Conversing in a friendly manner will ultimately get people to like you, if you are rude to others then it will put many off you, your channel and your videos.

7. Incorporate your logo into your YouTube background, having it all over where you go on the internet is a good way of increasing the TSE.

8. Use your channel as your email signature if you have an email thats solely for your channel especially if you regularly chat with people in your niche.

9. Use a YouTube icon that has your channel name or logo on it too.

I hope these tips on The Sticky Effect helps you out on YouTube and with your branding.

Thanks for reading!
I particularly like tip #3. The way you wrote it the second time definitely comes off more innocent, and gets your channel name out there. I'll definitely use that for my channel. It's a nice cap off to a comment or message on another persons channel.

After reading this, I now realize I'm going to need a really good looking logo. I have nothing right now, and probably won't for a while, and that's going to hurt me in the beginning. But I see what you mean about logo's standing out. I particularly like Shane Dawson's logo. There's also Smosh and the two arrow things that standout when I think of the logos.

I never would have thought about using my channel link in my email signature! That's a really good idea! If anything, it'll get some extra views from curious family members and whatnot.

Great article @Michael ! :)
I particularly like tip #3. The way you wrote it the second time definitely comes off more innocent, and gets your channel name out there. I'll definitely use that for my channel. It's a nice cap off to a comment or message on another persons channel.

After reading this, I now realize I'm going to need a really good looking logo. I have nothing right now, and probably won't for a while, and that's going to hurt me in the beginning. But I see what you mean about logo's standing out. I particularly like Shane Dawson's logo. There's also Smosh and the two arrow things that standout when I think of the logos.

I never would have thought about using my channel link in my email signature! That's a really good idea! If anything, it'll get some extra views from curious family members and whatnot.

Great article @Michael ! :)

Thank you, its taken over two years for a reply and I am glad it you enjoyed reading and found it useful :)
Yep pretty crazy that about three years ago you understood the concept of youtube quite well, pretty early in youtube i'd like to think (before anyone could monitize, an barely anyone put out videos. I do miss those days that you could just upload a video and get 1k views in a few days without doing much, now a days you have to have strategy and such haha) Great read. - Ken
Yep pretty crazy that about three years ago you understood the concept of youtube quite well, pretty early in youtube i'd like to think (before anyone could monitize, an barely anyone put out videos. I do miss those days that you could just upload a video and get 1k views in a few days without doing much, now a days you have to have strategy and such haha) Great read. - Ken

My girlfriend used to have a channel back then that was doing rather well and she found it so much easier to get views back then and the videos were awful compared to todays standards too. I miss the comments on the profiles, that gained people a LOAD of views when people were visiting peoples channels and commenting.

Thanks for reading :)
Phenomenal article. I think branding is something that people starting out underestimate. Just having a logo that you can put consistently on material will at least mark a site or link as your territory. While the diversity of design would be great if you had a different, custom-designed banner for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch, it doesn't help a viewer realize that the page is YOURS.

Thanks again for this, I'll be using it as a reference throughout my start of this channel.
Thanks for great guide! I liked tip #4. I actually use my profile pic as my logo to get my face out there. I'm doing a relaunch of my show and it's going to be more like America's Funniest Videos, so I'll be a host. I'm going to redo my profile pic so that my channel name will be on there as well.