Gaming Trying to get some friends


Hello Names Runic (well username anyway)
Im a new twitch streamer and youtuber. I have like no subs on yt and like 2 followers on twitch. IDK.
Id like to say im a variety producer, since I don't have a particular favorite genre of game, and im absolutely hopeless at fps (kinda like SovietWomble)
I think im more of a group person since I cant come up with decent ideas for solo vids. Anyway, Id like to talk to people, discuss ideas. and play games.
I think I would like to make comedy content, just some thing chill and relaxed nothing to serious. Im good with almost any game as long as I can get it..
No vids on youtube yet (cause no content)
I had a few vids on twitch but only kept one cause I did not like the others xP
Hope to talk with yall soon.

Im a PC Gamer.


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