Services Trying to build my portfolio. Cost free graphics!

Hiya! I am looking for a banner for my Youtube channel (! I would love it if you could create one for me, if you are interested then please PM me :)
I am a professional graphic designer with Essence Cartoon. I will send you a direct message of my website and contact info.
Hey guys, I am new here. I am a Graphic Designer and soon to be YouTuber! I have a portfolio at

I am willing to do some banners/avatars/thumbnails/twitter stuff/anything really, for you guys free of cost! Just leave me a comment down below or a personal message.

I don't have a ton of spare time, but get some sometimes! Hopefully I'll be able to turn over requests quickly!

Thanks for reading!

Please add some examples here by attaching them to your first post or hotlinking them so people can see what you can do :)
I get an error when I try to attach a link here. I can do this I guess w w w . g l a s s l o g o s . n e t
I get an error when I try to attach a link here. I can do this I guess w w w . g l a s s l o g o s . n e t

I was referring to the first poster, please create your own thread if you would like to offer your services here. We require all services threads to include examples that are either inserted by clicking the picture icon or by directly uploading them using Upload a File rather than just post a link.