Services Trying to build my portfolio. Cost free graphics!


New Member
Hey guys, I am new here. I am a Graphic Designer and soon to be YouTuber! I have a portfolio at URL Removed by staff, please refer to the forums rules

I am willing to do some banners/avatars/thumbnails/twitter stuff/anything really, for you guys free of cost! Just leave me a comment down below or a personal message.

I don't have a ton of spare time, but get some sometimes! Hopefully I'll be able to turn over requests quickly!

Thanks for reading!
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Hey, do you do cartoon avatars? Kinda like the banner you made for Jack?
I don't do ones exactly like that, that was made by a friend of his called Sarah.

I can do geometric cartoons like this one I did for Kodi Brown: www[dot]youtube[dot]com/brownheatxman
Hey if you could make me a Black and Green banner with a game controller on it and text saying DwarvenGaming.exe that would be great! :D
I have a call of duty related channel, any chance you could make a banner related to that with "CorrodedBeef" written on it?
I don't do ones exactly like that, that was made by a friend of his called Sarah.

I can do geometric cartoons like this one I did for Kodi Brown: www[dot]youtube[dot]com/brownheatxman

Awesome. Could I add you on skype?