Trouble getting up to speed again

@Zadey Really solid advice, thank you very much for taking the time to type all this!
I have realize my titels are quite lacking, I have actually updated a view after I got remarks on that in this topic. I also changed my upload time.
I know I'm a bit all over the place, but that is because I don't see my channel as a brand. It is a place for me to share my adventures and, indeed, opinions with my friends and family and whoever else ends up seeing it. Not in it for the fame ;P
For a vlogger I actually think my talk-show ratio is quite okay. I know Youtubers who are 70/80% talk and yet I still like watching them. I try to maintain a 50/50 ratio, though for example my Hobbiton vlog is more 70% show, because I hardly recorded any talking that day (good job past Dutchie). But my parents had remarked on it as well, so I started overlapping more 'show' video in sections when I am talking, to break it up more.
Again, thank you for all the feedback!

No problem hope it helps you! Growing a big channel isn't the goal for everyone so you don't necessarily have to change. Usually people are more interested in the "Talk" for an expert or famous youtuber. Usually they didn't get famous doing that but all the best :)