Trolling, Good or Bad?

Some people find it entertaining. But I think I'm gonna go with @SpectralK and troll people who deserve it. I know one group of guys who trolls cheaters in games, so that way it's technically a good thing.

So, it's not a trolling of you? Do you think you could spot when you're being trolled or not? :P
Is it worth causing other people misery just to make a video out of it.
There is a difference between trolling and being an arsehole. Arseholes usually just try to sugar coat it by calling themselves "trolls" let me give you an example of good trolling: why is this good trolling, well he's not making anyone miserable but infact a lot of people actually get amused by his stuff when they play with him. It's not entirely trolling but the way he does it he sort of doesn't give a crap what they say half the time. In otherwords a troll should also be funny to the person they are trolling, either during or after the situation, the saying got ruined as time went on when trolling got worse and worse, it went from funny to just downright annoying on the most part. Trolling arseholes on the other hand is perfectly fine. xD Oh you should check out his other troll-ish type series: I like how he jokingly calls other players bad but because of the context and what he's doing most of the people don't mind lol If you're planning on trolling cheaters, don't hesitate to convince them to commit suicide in real life. Not kidding.
I imagine there is a right way and wrong way to do it. If you can "troll" where folks are more likely to laugh at what an idiot you are than actually get upset, then go for it. As for doing stuff that will upset or scare others... I don't recommend it. At that point you are essentially saying "I'm going to bring negativity into your life so that mine (my channel) can be more prosperous." Ultimately it all comes down to what your conscience is telling you. If something feels like a d**k move, 9 times outta 10... it's a d**k move. I hope you can work out a solution you're happy with. Good luck! :thumbsup2: