Too Much Background Noise!

i haven't used audacity in ages but it should have a noise gate basically removes/mutes all the frequencies below a certain threshold, you can adjust the level yourself so you can get all the important frequencies you want. Sony Vegas also has a noise gate built in that i have used which is also good. Also you want to actually start recording with as little background noise as possible, i would also try the blanket method just surround yourself in blankets which should help reduce some of the high frequencies.
The problem with programs the “remove sound” is that they don’t actually remove it they reduce it. You can’t really remove a sound that you are talking over.
The best thing to do is to listen to the room noise carefully before you start filming and see if you can eliminate it.

The thing is I don't have a lot of actual background noise, most of the noise comes from me pressing buttons on my keyboard while playing games, or from me clicking the mouse, and I haven't been able to remove that with audacity so far, and I honestly don't have any other idea of how to remove it.