Tips for gaining subs?

I'm not in a much better place than you are but I can say that It would probably be better to not do the full in depth lets plays at this time because that is something that won't really work until you have the big following. 790734053454 gaming channels + popular game means that the game has already been seen through popular gaming channels in it's full form so it is unlikely that some random person is going to be looking to watch it in full from someone new or undiscovered.

People don't have patience for new people so I would recommend focusing around clips and highlights of the game your playing moreso than multiple part 30min+ videos.
What plague says is true. Sadly, let's player in general are becoming (Or have been) a common quantity of Youtube. Nowadays you REALLY have to differentiate yourself from the rest in order to gain some sort of traction.

Could be your personality.

Could be the way you edit your videos.

Or, you could just get lucky.
Have you ever tried forums. I know that there are a lot of gaming forums out there. Be active in those forums and then show your video's. Yttalk is a forum also.

Also collaborating is a great way to get more exposure. You can try to collaborate with some big youtubers. Watch their video's and comment like and share them. They will then more likely wanting to help you. Besides that you can also collaborate with smaller youtubers. Not just by making videos with each other, but also by sharing each others video's and reccomend each other's channels. It works so much better to grow with each other then to grow alone.

The one that works the best for me is ranking in youtube search. For each video, I take a look at what keywords I can use to get them ranked for. For instance, I had a tutorial about animating fire in Anime Studio. So I looked up ''How to animate fire''. Youtube then gives the suggestion ''How to animate fire'' when you type it in, which means it is searched for a lot. I also looked for ''Anime Studio fire'' and it also give it as title suggestion. I noticed that both keywords didn't have much videos with those keywords in the titles when you searched for it, and those who did, didn't have many views, which means it is easier to rank for. So then I put as title ''How to animate fire in anime studio'' and I put the same words in my description and tags. It is now ranked for both keywords. If you would try to do that for all of your videos, soon you have a bunch of videos ranked in youtube search, which will give you a lot of viewers and hopefully subs.

Those are the things that I do to get subs, and I definitly noticed some growth.
Be active on this forum. That helps with views and some people may sub. Also post your videos on facebook groups, and reddit. Good luck and all the best :)
I wish there was a magic formula for that but unfortunately there isn't D:. Also tips can be just subjective because two channels that are identical can grow at 2 different paces.
A lot of people say that traditional LPs aren't the best way to grow up and suggest to do montages or reviews or something else but I'm a LPer too and it's sad to hear that because I want to grow as a LP channel, despite I know there is a lot of competition out there.
Maybe you need to learn something more about the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), aka title tags and description because I think that is the best way to improve the visibility of your channel.
I took a peek, and the quality and content seem acceptable. I don't watch game videos, but yours seem in step with the ones I have. So to me, it's a case of getting more reach to people.
I think it's all about engaging with content creators, forums, reddit, etc Just putting yourself out there without blantently advertising your channel
Think outside the box. What can you offer to your subscribers that's different than what's already out there? Why should people subscribe to you instead of the millions of other gaming channels? :)
It is hard dude, but the best advise i got was, get your name out there ... everywhere. By that i dont mean spam it in one place. Find communities, forums, websites, reddits, anything you can think of to do with you and your channel, go and advertise. Also twitter communicate, make friends, this one is hard for socially scared peoples like myself, BUT just do it.