Time is relative

Or so I am liking to zink! I alvays plan to do a short video...but ALVAYS I do videos 2x ze length I plan. AM I A SILLY SAUSAGE???

How do you plan your video lengths? :devil:
As of now, I haven't cared too much about video length. To me it's all about the excitement level, if it's still exciting to me after 7 minutes, I keep going. I USED to leave alot in that I shouldn't, now I don't really like... I don't have a goal for a time limit, but I DO try to axe out ANY down time. Anything I find unnecessary to the vlog gets removed. BUT, when I make the changes I'm about to implement on my channel, everything on symphonious7 is going to try to stay around 3 to 4 minutes, with 7 minutes being the absolute LONGEST I will let a video on that channel go.
As of now, I haven't cared too much about video length. To me it's all about the excitement level, if it's still exciting to me after 7 minutes, I keep going. I USED to leave alot in that I shouldn't, now I don't really like... I don't have a goal for a time limit, but I DO try to axe out ANY down time. Anything I find unnecessary to the vlog gets removed. BUT, when I make the changes I'm about to implement on my channel, everything on symphonious7 is going to try to stay around 3 to 4 minutes, with 7 minutes being the absolute LONGEST I will let a video on that channel go.
Yeah...I got to vork on my editing chops. 3 to 4 minutes seems like a good challenge you put yourself Symph!