Services THUMBNAILS! Who wants 'em?

Also, if it wouldn't be 2 much, could you make me a war thunder thumbnail with Thach's buffalo and a font you see fit. Thanks!

Sure thing, here ya go man.

As for what you asked in the last post. I use photoshop to make these. I usually think of what kind of game it is, grab something relevant for the background. For the foreground, I usually use the game's logo plus either a character from the game, or something else relevant. I also usually drop a shadow behind them to help them pop off the background.
Your work is awesome.
Actually, I would like to ask you for thumbnail as well.
How is it working? For sure I think I should send you some different pictures from my video's right? ;);)
I have over 150 ready video's that I will start uploading them from around next week.
I can write your name with the text that this thumbnail is designed by .... or link to your YouTube channel or whatever you feel you like in any video that you make its thumbnail. And if in future I could make it and be famous sure I will not forget you as well and that time will pay to you to make thumbnails for me. :biggrin::biggrin:
Hi It very cool You Are Doing This For Free, I would Like To Know If There is Any Way You Could Make Almost Like A Template For The Series on My Channel, If Possible Please Contact Me Over Skype As BeyondHawkeye For More Information.
Hey, anyway you could make me a thumbnail with my Persona on it where I could easily just change some text on it and use it for everything?
Hi dude, can you please make a thumbnail for my Fallout: New Vegas series? Can I have just the words 'Pepper Plays: Fallout: New Vegas' and some relevant picture. Thanks in advance :)
Hey, it's me again(I'm thinking of just adding you on skype at this point. I have now started a fast & Furious: Legacy series, and I would like to have a Lamborghini Sesto Elemento racing a Mclaren P1. Thanks!