Thumbnail software

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Thanks you![DOUBLEPOST=1381933061,1381931570][/DOUBLEPOST]On can you have a background the insert multiple pictures onto the background?
Thanks you![DOUBLEPOST=1381933061,1381931570][/DOUBLEPOST]On can you have a background the insert multiple pictures onto the background?
Yes, like Photoshop, you can have multiple layers. With it is highly recommended to seperate as much as you can, i.e. text on 1 layer (even multiple strings), random pics on 1 layer, background on 1 layer etc...[DOUBLEPOST=1381933424][/DOUBLEPOST]
or Photoshop CS2 (which is free now)
OMFG, CS2 is free now? I'm gonna try that out. xD
Photoshop, Even though its quite expensive when you buy it legally its so gooooood, once you watch a few vids on the basic and just experiment with tools you can make some awesome things. feel free to check out my thumbnails,
I would go for GIMP if you are looking for a free solution, I am so happy with an uncle who is the CEO of a small, yet succesful business in the advertising business where they make flyers and what not. Legal copy of CS6 over here and I am gonna ask if he is going to get me the CC package or something.
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