Throwing comedy into an otherwise not so humourous YouTube channel

I can relate to what you are saying really well. I come from almost the same idea.

I am a person, who is really passionate about music, everyone has something that gets them through the day, and since I was a child music was always a big deal for me, as well as the household I grew up on. And what happened was, when I grew older and moved to Denmark, being 18 and stupid, I spend 4 years using alcohol as the thing that gets me thourgh the day. And that came from the fact that, as a person who has anxiety, and any one can relate to that, you need to find something to function.

So when ever there would be a social gathering of some sorts or simply being at the local bar, it would be 2 hours of heavy drinking, till some sort of switch flips and you become "normal". And that was 18-22

And anyone who has a history of either abusing alcohol or indulging on a daily basis knows, that besides the side effects there is one other issue, is that you become "that drunk guy". And I am really classy drunk, I can be loaded, but I can still be in control of the situation. However, that did not matter, because I was "ou the person whos drunk always". The worst thing is that eventually it gets under your skin and you start believing that, hence you yourself will reduce your worth to "well I guess I am the fun drunk guy, and nothing more of value". And that is horrible.

And a year ago, I decided that I am done with this, and I cant stand this state anymore, and like a bad relationship break up, when you stop a big aspect of your life you will lost. And thats what happened to me, and plus having all my friends move to the capital, all of a sudden I caught myself alone, sober, not understanding how to operate in the world, without being wasted, as well as having no worth.

So I came back to something I always loved and was doing all this time, was the music and the guitar play. As well as being a person who resonated really well with the blues I was able to find myself in it, in a way that my brain was "if you can learn to do this good enough, that will be your worth now", and it became my medication for the "detox" you.

And the reason why I started YT, was because I felt comfortable enough in my playing, but still had that exposing myself anxiety, so I thought it would be great.

And I can see how much it helped me, and how big of a change it did for me, since if you look at my very first video, I was so freaked out there, that I even made a spelling mistake in the backdrop of the songs name. I didnt use a camera because I was too scared, as well as after I uploaded the song, I logged out and did not check YT statistics for 1 week, being afraid to get a reaction.

Now I enjoy having a camera, and I feel comfortable in terms of recognition. And I am taking these last 2 months break to get hopefully better at singing, to do even a better job. And it is amazing.

And that is why I think something like YT is great, and also YTtalk forum as a "lets all gather here and chat about our creativity". It is such a great and in a way pure way to express yourself and try something that you want to do. Its absolutely amazing.

Damn sorry to hear all that but its very good you have come out of it all good and have found something you love doing, thats a great story.
Damn sorry to hear all that but its very good you have come out of it all good and have found something you love doing, thats a great story.
There is nothing to be sorry about there, it was a period of time, which had a lot of good moments also. Plus I got a crash course when it came to a lot of experiences and things I would never otherwise would have seen or heard or felt. And all that I can use in my life in the future.

Nothing is a bad thing, as long as you can learn from it :)
If you don't naturally do comedy, then it might fall flat.
I hear that jokes across the pond might have dry wit. If that comes naturally, then do it.
Tutorials might not be the place but it is one way to separate yourself from other similar channels.
For my channel, the kids tell me that I'm funny. This by design. Humor helps make the presentations watchable for longer periods of time. If I had a non-family friendly channel, I would be using some cuss words to add a little flavor to the presentations. I wouldn't go overboard because then it gets old. Same with comedy. A little spice helps make the presentation interesting.

I'm not the only guy doing toy car videos. I do watch some of the other presenters and they can be quite boring.
If you don't naturally do comedy, then it might fall flat.
I hear that jokes across the pond might have dry wit. If that comes naturally, then do it.
Tutorials might not be the place but it is one way to separate yourself from other similar channels.
For my channel, the kids tell me that I'm funny. This by design. Humor helps make the presentations watchable for longer periods of time. If I had a non-family friendly channel, I would be using some cuss words to add a little flavor to the presentations. I wouldn't go overboard because then it gets old. Same with comedy. A little spice helps make the presentation interesting.

I'm not the only guy doing toy car videos. I do watch some of the other presenters and they can be quite boring.

Im definitely going to try and lighten things up a little, I think I would be more comfortable that way myself but it could take time as I slowly make it lighter throwing more fun into here and there, I dont know but I do want more excitement in the videos I do, I feel there pace is a little slow at times. I like messing on and having fun from time to time and I think it could be a good part of it. I am no comedian but I do enjoy making people laugh and creating a good atmosphere and I can imagine it being more comfortable for a viewer.

I have swore a little in my videos with words such as "bloody" and "crap" but theyre quite common to say those words here without sounding offensive to anyone.

I have seen a quite a few of your videos, I laughed at the one where your daughter was trying to press the launcher and you said something like "Come on how long have you been doing these for" that made me chuckle, its light humour but makes the world of difference I reckon.

Thank you Mark, I appreciate it.
I knocked the door down, no more knocking now :D

Thank you for that, I hadnt heard of them before and just had a watch through one of their videos, skipped some of it but I see where you are coming from for a review sort of video they add in a lot of light heartedness which makes it so much easier to watch, it feels more involving as a viewer.

I would love to have the same or similar energy levels as that but I feel out of place if I act in my videos but I would love to be like that to keep people watching and entertained.

I think I will, I think it could encourage the light heartedness energy that I would love to have more of :D Thank you.
Geeze! You nearly knocked the wind out of me!
Sorry, I'll knock it off now.