Thoughts On This Idea?

Montages are overdone, so I wouldn't recommend doing them either.
So are gaming videos.... lol xD[DOUBLEPOST=1400271556,1400271501][/DOUBLEPOST]
Uhm... a montage is a cop out. You know how TV shows have those flashback episodes? It's because they either have no ideas for that week or just doing it because others do it. That old Simpsons episode is being significantly terrible.

I mean unless your fanbase is full of lobotomized children, I don't think montages will appeal to a lot of people.

Even if you wanna do like AVGN and want to make a top 10 of those moments, it's still a lazy a** montage either way.

Shorter answer: I recommend not doing montages.
Seananners and Vanoss are some of the most liked gamers on Youtube I kind of see your point but I dont know
So are gaming videos.... lol xD[DOUBLEPOST=1400271556,1400271501][/DOUBLEPOST]
Seananners and Vanoss are some of the most liked gamers on Youtube I kind of see your point but I dont know

I don't watch either of them although I know Seananners is someone I'd rather stay away from indefinitely.
I don't know its kind of questionable. You would be spending tons of more hours on montages for your channel compared to the average channel. If this was able to generate a lot of subscribers than it was worth it, but if it doesn't, then your just burning time. Time that could be spend on more consistent videos and quantity.

Once again though, if you can pull out at least one montage a week, that is really old in quality than it may work for you. Good luck
I would mix montages and regular videos. I think all montages would be a drag eventually and back fire. However I think some montages would add some awesome flavor.
Maybe just do Seananners style minimalist editing to some of your better sessions, just cut out boring parts and leave the best of the best, but don't do a whole new channel of it