Thoughts On This Idea?


Just a sk8r gurl (or a gamer dude)
So I recently felt like my gaming channel needed something more and I thought montages would be a great idea. Then I had another idea what if I made a channel for these montages and uploading the full content on my channel? (of course still editing out the parts I would feel that I would need to) So what do you think is this a good idea?
I think that's a great idea! Especially if you can pull out the best/funniest/scariest/most awesome moments. Those are always fun to watch
I think that's a great idea! Especially if you can pull out the best/funniest/scariest/most awesome moments. Those are always fun to watch
Well I will try my best too! Sometimes I struggle because I try to think to myself would people find what I did here funny? or would they not? It's always a tough question for me
It depends on if you have enough montages to make an entire channel out of them. If not, it can be part of the same channel, that's what the playlist is for.
It depends on if you have enough montages to make an entire channel out of them. If not, it can be part of the same channel, that's what the playlist is for.
Well I was thinking of cutting it down to one lets play and all my multiplayer stuff at a time since I really have fun with games like garry's mod and others... That is a bit of a concern to me to but I plan on playing Garrys Mod a lot more anyways.
Uhm... a montage is a cop out. You know how TV shows have those flashback episodes? It's because they either have no ideas for that week or just doing it because others do it. That old Simpsons episode is being significantly terrible.

I mean unless your fanbase is full of lobotomized children, I don't think montages will appeal to a lot of people.

Even if you wanna do like AVGN and want to make a top 10 of those moments, it's still a lazy a** montage either way.

Shorter answer: I recommend not doing montages.
Bad idea. You'll be splitting your efforts needlessly. Keep everything on the 1 channel. Montages are a great way, if not THE best way for a gaming channel to boost and retain audience retention. They can be used as gateway videos to other videos and your channel. If you split it onto 2 seperate channels it might annoy people a little having to follow you around on 2 different channels and even confuse them. Keep it all on 1 channel. You won't be doing yourself or anyone any favours by having it on 2 different channels.
Montages always seem to rack up the most views on any channel because your cutting away the rest and leaving the good parts which everyone loves to see, I know there are a few channels dedicated to montage only videos and they always have insane views I mean even PewDiePie & Markiplier to it aswell and those videos have the most views! I say go for it, dedicating a new channel for it I'm not so sure about