Thoughts on screen flow?

Yeah Its quite expensive but as I said you can use it to edit little clips that you recorded.... Personally I will just use it to record then edit on Final Cut X.... But I dont know please tell me your thoughts!
I use it to record, and then use the screenflow software itself to add callouts - ie zoom into certain areas and blur certain areas etc.
I then export the file and import into Final Cut where I will do any further editing.
I started using Screenflow and then switched to Camtasia .. I personally think it has a quicker workflow when it comes to adding callouts, effect, annotations, etc. I do all the basic stuff really fast in it and then export over to FCPX. .. At the same time there's a couple features in Screenflow that I wish was in Camtasia ... like the way it adds keyboard actions in the video.
Yeah Its quite expensive but as I said you can use it to edit little clips that you recorded.... Personally I will just use it to record then edit on Final Cut X.... But I dont know please tell me your thoughts!
I use screen flow and final cut pro x... great combo!