Thoughts on My Channel's Branding and Quality?

Michael MMMinc

Liking YTtalk
Mar 29, 2015
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Just looking for overall opinions on my channel's branding from the logo, thumbnails and banner art. Also thoughts on the video production in term's of audio quality and visuals. It's NBA related podcast and this field can be oversaturated so I tried to make my channel look as professional as possible. Thoughts?



The Bostonian YTtalker
Apr 6, 2013
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Channel Type
  • Your cursive font is hard to read, not only because it's cursive, which a lot of younger people don't really know how to read (myself included), but also because of the white stroke that you put around the text and the tiny size. I think the sans serif font you chose is much better and a better size (see 2nd image).
  • The smaller text in the 2nd image is readable but often youtube thumbnails will appear so small that the smaller text won't be legible.
  • The text that says "Superb Take" in the thumbnails is 100% illegible. I would keep the logo and remove the text.
  • The brackets around your logo are hard to see. Either, increase there size in the thumbnails or remove them

  • Your logo looks nice. Seems like it would be a basketball, parkour, or BMX related logo which lines up with what I think your channel is about.
  • Your banner looks ok. I personally would bring the corners around the logo in (the picture frame brackets). I think it would read better if you pull the brackets away from the edge of the banner so it's more obvious. Or you can remove them, but I like that design decision in the banner. It doesn't work at that size in the thumbnail, but in the banner it works a lot better.
  • The background of the banner... for now it works, but you could use something more on brand, Something more like your thumbnails as the background.

  • Also "New Top Tier Content Daily" doesn't really tell me much info. Top Tier is completely subjective. The only real info I get from this as someone who never watched any of your videos is that you upload daily. Maybe "New Top Tier Sports Content Daily?" so it's obvious to new people who are landing on your channel for the first time. Remember these graphics and banners are most important to people who have never watched or heard of you before not people who have.

  • The white text on the bright background is low contrast and might be hard to read depending on the screen and thumbnail size
  • I like the red arrow but the red circle is a bit hard to see at smaller sizes.
  • Overall I think this thumbnail is struggling with contrast

Overall I think you have good branding. The fact that I sound so picky highlights that it's good and just need a little tightening up (in my humble opinion)
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