Thoughts on Channel name?

Honestly I gotta agree with the others, I didn't really understand your name the first time I read it. So I would probably use more capital letters like the others have said.

I think you should do GentleGeek's Travelogue or GentlemanGeek but not GentlemanGeek's Travelogue. I think it's important to keep a channel name somewhat concise.

Either way, let us know what you do end up deciding!
Honestly I gotta agree with the others, I didn't really understand your name the first time I read it. So I would probably use more capital letters like the others have said.

I think you should do GentleGeek's Travelogue or GentlemanGeek but not GentlemanGeek's Travelogue. I think it's important to keep a channel name somewhat concise.

Either way, let us know what you do end up deciding!
Thanks so much for your thoughts! I think I'm gonna go with the GentlemanGeek :)
Seems like I'm a bit late to the debate, but I'd like to put in my two cents!

If you'd like to keep your original idea, I'd definitely drop the A. Just GeekandGentleman. It might insinuate that there are two people running the channel, but if you open your videos with something like: "Hello everyone, I am your Geek and Gentleman" people will get the hint pretty quick :P

If you prefer to shorten it, there's always the option of making it GeekyGentleman. Sounds a bit more organic than GentlemanGeek. You know, English is weird like that :P