THIS WEEK ONLY! Free New Youtube Banner!

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Hey, could you make a channel banner for X3RaPiDzZ, thats the name by the way. The only thing that I want is thatbit has to be green and it has to specify that I make call of duty videos :) thankyou its not for me but for my friend me and him will feature you and shoutout you :) something similar to the first example would be great in fact ditch the first green idea that i said i just want you to change the name and write call of duty gameplays :)
Just so everyone knows, I am still making banners,, I'm just out doing a few errands. I'll be working through the list later tonight. In the meantime, check out our most recent episode of Drunk BS!
Dearest YouTubers!

I'm new to the community and a professional designer. I'm offering to make your channel a free banner that matches the new YouTube specs. Just give me some guidelines on what you're looking for.

What could I possibly want in exchange? I'm not asking much, just a token really, a trifle! A loyal subscriber would be awesome and/or a shoutout in your inner circles

Hey i like youre work. Could you make an banner for me? (Facebook and maybe youtube)
great work If you have the ability im looking for a banner which is very bright coloured a rainbow with (Fudgedupfuzz is the place to be... ) and then further along (... screw you steve )

il feature your channel thankyou
I would love a designed new banner for the channel! If you go to our page we have us as the characters in the video games and because we cant have a background in the new layout I would love to incorporate them into it. Also we will do a live shout out on our vlog when we have it up =] Hope its not too late!
Maybe I can get one also? :) I can give you some details if you interested to help me please write back to youtube or quote me, thank you !
hey im interested in getting a bg really need one bad but i have a logo how could i send it to you? do you have skype? is so add theundeadshot
I would love a banner. ;) Do you think you could come up with something creative including my Minecraft character? :)
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