This video destroyed my soul

It`s the same thing with me. I just started with voice over and it`s terrible :(
Our native languages have the same tonality. I get your struggle. But you can talk fluently, which is something I can't do. All you need to do is to talk a LOT slower, and exaggerate on the pronunciation. It feels really stupid doing it, because in our native languages we talk with barely any mouth movement. But English requires mAssIve mOUth mOvemEnt.
I never thought of that. My native language is Romanian so a romance language. I`ll try so speak more calmly.
BTW: I like your videos :)
Mine is portuguese. Portuguese, romanian and the slavic languages have the same tonality. I noticed this when 3 friends of mine, a russian, one ukranian, and a polish were talking to each other, and I could swear they were talking portuguese, but I couldn't understand a word. And when we try to talk in English, we sound very similar to each other. Really monotone, and have poor articulation on the vowels.
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