third party conent

i see maybe it can be the music and i think you are right about that because in the file i actually delited i got acurately that
it said remove music track or something like that and it gave me a ll kind
of music they wanted me to remove.
so i will then just start over and then do a new gamecapture with 0 music
but wird thing is that the video that is there still and is not flagged is with music. yes i tried to do the half screenshot yes

on ur forums here i got the message saying
u can not send the reply it containts yotuube video links remove them and u can send it . I mean tryinng to reply to ur message here on your forums.

but i can not even give u that link for my videos
that is still there its on youtube

if u got some way of getting around this rules would be great.

ok i try to turn offf the music then
in my next gameplay then and then just only upload
first 10 mins
of it

because have im i got a lot of
all ready prerecorded
gameplay videos
maybe 2-3 misions so i have to reply them
because i can not take out the music using an editing
ap or anything like that
so will loose alll audio

but maybe then they will
not flag it i will try that thanks for ur help
utube have not been very responsive i tried their
forums and their email address no reply from them[DOUBLEPOST=1439582679,1439557124][/DOUBLEPOST]update
i still keep getting flagged
also when i take off the music too
on the video movie video game i just uploaded a test video
game play but now i get another flagging saying visual content
that is 1 min cutscene they want me to cut out
so indicating i can not use that one

i also did a test on my
batman akrham asylum
and that video was also without
music now

and that video they still not flagged
so gonna wait and see if they flagged it tomorrow

seems they flagged more of the new 2015 games
than the older ones
It sounds like WB and/or Telltale doesn't allow you showcase the footage without them putting ads on it and collecting any revenue. As @lossehelin replied to you previously, you don't get the rights to publish gameplay just because you bought the game. It's up to the publisher/developer to give you permission. It was also pointed out that you don't have commentary, which is technically against YouTube rules and is likely not helping your case.
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Cutscenes are problematic too. You should avoid them. There are many reasons for that, one of them are spoilers and others are cutscenes are treated like production movies.

So i hope now that you understand that making videos for youtube is not just recording the all gameplay. That is not fair use and you are taking advantage of the game creator.

If you do gameplays you need to input your own vision, commentary on it.... Disable all music and avoid cutscenes... But even this is not 100% guaranteed...

Hope this issue made you understand a bit more how youtube videos, copyright and fair use works.
Buying the game gives you the right to play it but, it does not give you the right to use the gameplay and all it involves (music, sound, graphics, characters, cutscenes) as you wish.

Let us know how it went when you've done the modifications :)
yes i did get a reply via the yotube system they send me a visual content
cutsene in the game lego movie video game i now deleted it

but its still wird about batman arkham asylum i stil lhave the big
intro prologue with all the credits video pulbic and with custenes
and also have mis 1 of this game also with cutsenes but 0 music

so maybe its something to do with that they can only
flag one video at a time from same publisher to same user...
i did not have any of my videos double flagged
like for ex flagging video 1 the same time as they flag video 2

so now batman arkham asylum is my last atempt if not i will just
avoid wb games and only play them myself and not puhlish then
untill i get more subs so i can get a special deal and pots without any flagging

got this email from
youtube saying

Hi Big Leaps Gaming,

Due to a copyright claim, you are no longer monetizing the following YouTube video. It is still playable on YouTube, but the copyright owner could choose to show ads on it.

Video title: legomovvghd
Includes: Audiovisual content
Claimed by: Warner Bros. Entertainment

Why this can happen

  • Your video might contain copyrighted content.
  • A copyright claim on a video can prevent you from monetizing it.

- The YouTube Team

so i now deleted this video and now it says 0 copyrighted vids
The only real way to avoid Third Party Content tags is to either:
A: Use footage you shot yourself with your own camera or use Royalty Free footage or music for which you can provide both a receipt and a license link


B: Get permission from any third parties whose material you use.

That you do not make money off your videos doesn't matter; the copyright belongs to the people who made what you are using if you didn't make it yourself; and in extreme cases, they can get you kicked off YouTube.
update have now talked to one of my followers on my twitter and he told me that it is possible to do this. he actually is having no isues
on his channel he also makes guides like i do also with same lego game.
only differnece is he has a voiceover u know using his mic to do that audio voice over........he made an entired gamers guide on this game and other thing is he has only 89 sub on youtube so less than me.
so its not because he has mio of subs either

so now i will do the same just use my
own built in mic and then next time i upload i will do a audio
track i make myself yes

and then it should also work on new games he tells me
like batman akrham knight too as long as u remmember to
disable the music
then its ok he siad to have those cutsenes and he never got flagged for them.
and he now made this lego game all the through gamers guide
and also all the way thru batman aktrham asylum the new game

thats what he said and epperienced
for third party the only way is to use some free music, or get the permission, for gameplay you have to record your playing while commenting on the gameplay cause if any music get leaked from the game the youtube id contenent can claim your video for 3rd party.