Thinking abut rebranding, help needed

Do I re-brand the channel?

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  • No

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I actually run a web design and branding company, so I do know a bit about this.

Branding can be really important for a company and I alway thik that a YouTube channel should really think of its self as a business. So, if what you're portreying at the moment is a good fit with the image that you want to portray then you're probably fine.

If it isn't then you NEED to do something about it whilst you can. What? Well, you could always look at bigger youtubers or even proper companies and see who is targeting the same sort of people you are talking to.

It's a really great idea to have an image of your preferred viewer. Think about everything about them, from their age to sex, income, favourite TV shows. When you have a really clear idea of who that person is, ask yourself if your branding is the sort of thing that will attract them. Use the thought of this one person to find a style which is good for you.