The Youtube Drama


  • YES

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • NO

    Votes: 9 60.0%

  • Total voters
I used to watch Drama Alert, but it got very boring, and even though I call out people, when I feel I have something to say about it, I tend to stay out of the drama right now!
I do also see a trend that people who dedicate their channels to going after other youtubers are going too far, and people will see through them!
Its hilarious these days lol.But the more i think about it the more i feel like i can make it as a big youtuber because i am beginning to understand how some of these big youtubers minds work.I can now see what makes them stand at the top of YouTube.
"Leeeeets get right into the cringe...! Today 1337sn1per called bunnygamer a huge beyach! WOW SUCH NEWS!" Drama alert is a nutshell
Well Youtube Drama was profitable in the past. However since the new Blacklist youtube added, the majority of the drama channels videos are demonetized. So Either they are going to change up the content or work for free. Words like Vs, Exposed,React,Respond,etc get demonetized now
i like watching drama alert but i really cannot wait for all the youtubers such as rice and sidemen to just go back to their normal content, the drama is kinda getting outta hand and in my eyes, they are supposed to be role models to the younger generation, or well thats how some viewers look at them :)
First: What a useless thread starter. If you put as much effort in your videos as you do thread creation you won't get anywhere.

To answer the question: No. I might have seen a video or two, but I am not subscribed nor do I actively seek out YouTube drama. I have an outspoken opinion against some YouTubers and they probably label me a hater because I am "not on their level" but that's fine. I am not going to put out a video just so I can trigger those YouTubers.