The "Subscribers = Views" Theory

Finally someone who understands!
It's an effect of saturation. There just simply isn't enough time for everyone to watch every video. Most users are subbed to over 100 channels. Even if you don't have TV and only consume, most of the time you cannot watch every video.
If you can get 30-40% to watch on a regular basis then IMO you are doing well.
I've noticed quite the opposite, I average ~150 views a video, despite only have 30 odd subscribers. They all have quite high audience retention too. It would seem subscribers and views are not very well correlated.

That happens to some of my videos and I just think, "WHY AREN"T YOU ALL SUBBING?"
It also depends on how much content you make. Sourcefed make several videos a day and so can't expect all their subscribers to watch every video. ERB on the other hand make about one video every month and get several times their sub count on each video.
i am more a viewer than a subscriber. i watch tons of youtube videos and like them, but this doesn't mean i will subscribe just after watching one video of a channel..
so one thing ive noticed over the course of youtube is that just because you get subscribers doesnt guarantee you views.Ive seen people accuse other channels of botting subs because their views arent side by side with them.
For example: I have a little over 1000 subs but my videos only average 300 to 350 views per video.

Take this into consideration:
Every view you receive on a video is not from a subscriber.

Each subscriber you receive will not have the same amount of activeness some users hardly get on, others sometimes and many constantly.

There are trillions of people who watch youtube.
- You think that there are tons of users? I promise you its not even close to the amount of people who watch youtube without accounts.

Another Example: There are many youtube stars who average millions of subscribers but have you ever paid attention to their video views?

- Many of them with over millions of subs videos usually top at 300,000 to 400,000 views. Thats over 600,000 plus unaccounted viewers that are supposebly "guaranteed viewers"

- Also keep in mind referring back to tip #1 "Every view received on that video is not from a subscriber" So the actual amount of subscribers that have watched is less than the average I mentioned previously.

Just something to take into consideration when your wondering why you have a good amount of subs but not a good amount of views.
so True,i have 20 subs but i got just 2 or 3 that are active