The Stone Air Report! Episode 2 Japan on mars!!

Hahah true she is under used in the WWE

i remember her from before her WWE days..she was on lance storms reality show "world of hurt" even worked in my neck of the woods for a while in ECCW before heading up to WWE lots of heart. i feel her dance could catch on similar to fandangoing/Yes
i remember her from before her WWE days..she was on lance storms reality show "world of hurt" even worked in my neck of the woods for a while in ECCW before heading up to WWE lots of heart. i feel her dance could catch on similar to fandangoing/Yes
Well I think they are turning her heel in nxt
Yeah cause they had the he chants yes they chant with him the he goes no they chant yes to annoy him was pretty funny lol

then team hell no and DR Shelby hahahaha their banter was hilarious! totally brutal segments but purely classic!

After 6 months we finally see Acivity back on the Vahnchand Channel! we pick up were we left off! With Raymond and Joeseph telling you guys the they see it..... Be sure to hit that subscribe button! like and share the video! and alll that other b******t us youtubers gotta say! :p

@chazzalyn i have no idea if you are using the forums anymore..hopefully you see my tag via e-mail or something and come back!!

@Michael @Kath @JohnKenShow @Comconoclast @Shiftkin @Selim Keles @Jawad Soomro @JeriKane @kkushalbeatzz @G-Man @Florian Popp
LOVED IT!!! So glad you guys are back!!! :)