The Socialblade are real or not? I really got 242$ from youtube?

It's a middle ground, the site is great but nothing is 100%, you have your adsense profile/youtube analytics where you can keep a control of all your earnings. If you even have your vids monetized. Tubebuddy also has a decent estimate of "earnings' you or others make. But that's all that it is, an estimate based on views/viewer retention...etc..
Your actual earning is 20 $. Look to your monthly income figure which state 1-20 $. The maximum value represent your actual earnings over the whole time.
I think you have to take the earnings on social blade with a open mind. Don't trust the maximum earnings it represents but you might be somewhere in the middle instead.
I really wonder though who gets the maximum of Socialblade's end.. I'm sure someone does have that good of a CPM but almost all channels are not even at the halfway point lol