The power of taking a YouTube break


Get The Picture?
This summer have been warm and great and I actually got to relax:) I decided to take a 100% Youtube break, and for about a month and a half I never logged on my channel. I recommend that everyone takes a break like that once in a while. Just leave it (if you can) and come back and have a “fresh” start.
I think most of us get caught up in this Yt-universe from sometimes only focusingon stats (views/subs and so one). For me it was VERY beneficial to leave it all for a month and a half, and when I returned I was actually much more motivated.:up2:
I am not saying that this works for everyone but think about it and give it a go if you feel like it (dare);)
i sulked for 4 months when YT changed the criteria for getting moneytised in Jan. I didn't bother again until end April when i decided I would take up the new challenge of 1000 subs. One fifth way there now. Got the 4000 watch hours. I notice their was zero growth while i did nothing. The youtube knows if you are sulking lol.
The youtube knows if you are sulking lol.
Hehehe no doubt they no but this break did me a lot of good. I am back now working on new videos and the motivation is back too so it´s a good thing. Keep up your great work and best of luck with treaching your goals:)