Talking to a Camera

If you do it enough you'll just get used to it. Make sure to go out of your way to speak up when you're doing it at first. It'll eventually be second nature.
So I checked out your channel and I already see great parts of your personality... you are very conversational in the video, with great pacing, you seem to have a cool quirkiness about you so I would suggest that you USE THAT TO THE FULLEST in your commentary. You might find it helpful to script out the majority of what you want to say at first, but allow your self to ad-lib along the way. don't be afraid to repeat yourself until you get it right and just edit it to work out!

Good Luck to you!
So I checked out your channel and I already see great parts of your personality... you are very conversational in the video, with great pacing, you seem to have a cool quirkiness about you so I would suggest that you USE THAT TO THE FULLEST in your commentary. You might find it helpful to script out the majority of what you want to say at first, but allow your self to ad-lib along the way. don't be afraid to repeat yourself until you get it right and just edit it to work out!

Good Luck to you!
I agree! Just pretend like you're talking to your friends and it will be better than you think :) Thats what helps me!
I always found that my own face looking back at me kinda helped, like on the little screen on the camera, or more to the point the large 7inch screen on the nexus tablet I had... a little weird I know but its nice to see someone laughing at the jokes you make and such. The bare lens looking at me just freaks me out.

That and what ppl say about just doing it and getting better at it is good advice... It defiantly gets easier.

Good luck with its