Symph's tips for the opinional vlogger

Refunded you there :)
I was just being silly LOL, but thanks for the refund. Not that I need it I have more money on this forum than I know what to do with lol
--- merged: Mar 30, 2012 6:10 PM ---
I disagree with this. Not everyone is funny, and 'trying' to be funny is worse than not being funny at all. There’s nothing worse than when jokes fall flat on their face. Ask Mike ‘The Situation’. Sure, not being stern faced and boring helps but to say that people who can't think of humor on the spot doesn't deserve the camera is a bit silly. I don't find your videos particularly funny, but I wouldn't say you shouldn't be vlogging.

You don't have to be funny. As long as you have a presence. Even if your awkward (like I can be at times when I turn on the camera) or a bit deadpan that's completely fine, it's all apart of your charm, and many people are drawn to that because a lot of people can relate to that!
100 percent agree, if you're NOT funny cause it's not your personality, don't try to be, but if you have the potential to be, and aren't using it, USE IT!

Symph, you’ve made some good points but I disagree with some. Having a persona is great but at times that can be seen as fake. A lot of people enjoy watching people that go on camera and is just themselves without trying to turn their personalitie up to 10 or put on goofy voices just to seem entertaining.

That's why I said if you CAN have a persona, PULL IT OUT. Not "create one at all costs even if it's not in you to do".

I think believing in what it is you're talking about is a lot more important that appearing passionate on camera. If your geniuine and your making good points you don't have to 'shout from the roof tops' or be over the top with your emotions to prove it.

Passion is less about an inflection of tone, and more about having enough to say that I can tell you've given it alot of thought and care. Ray never shows anger in his rants, raises his voice, or shows THAT kind of inflection, but you can tell he's serious about the stuff he rants about but how long he rants, how detailed he goes, and what he says. It's when you don't seem to have much of an opinion that your video has NO passion, and I care not.

I agree with that ‘following’ people around during their day is just boring. Unless there's something about you that I find interesting that I would care enough to follow you around, I wouldn't particularly watch it. Unless, like Suess said, you're doing something exciting.

At the end of the day, what works for some may not work for others. It's up to you to hone your craft. But, these are very good tips so far.

Thanks man, just wanted to respond to a few of your statements, I get where you're coming from, though a couple of them I think you were misunderstanding me cause what you were saying was stuff I already feel and didn't mean to imply.
Point 1:
You have to think there are millions upon millions of people that just may enjoy whatever you put out there. You'd be surprised just how many people share the same things you do around the world. Problems, jokes, relationships the same type of favorite cereal.
I think it's important for any vlogger just to be true to him/herself. Don't make your vlogs for other people make them for yourself. Just like the saying there's someone for everyone. Be confident and speak to the camera as if your speaking to one of your friends.
I feel if your going to talk about you breakfast make it funny or incredibly entertaining. Don't just turn the camera on and say "And now I'm having Apple Jacks! Watch me eat Apple Jacks!"

Point 2:

If you feel the need to turn on the camera turn it on. If your arguing about a specific topic then make sure you do your homework before you start sharing your opinion on camera about that topic. Just to make sure your on the same page.
Now if you have something to say about a topic and just want to rant the most be creative about it. The beautiful apart about Vlogging is you can edit those moments to make them not only fun but entertaining.

Point 3:
Right on! I agree with you! Having an opinion is one thing. To share that opinion with others and have them actually want to hear and share you opinion, then you need to present it in a way that is full of conviction.
You must have a Persona! Get one! Get to know one! Sleep with one! Make love to one! Practice at generating one if you just can't find one.

Point 4:
I agree! Clap those ruby red slippers and say 3 times! PERSONA! PERSONA! PERSONA!

Point 5 & 6

I am with you on these all the way

The bottom line is take the time to care about what your vlogging. ALWAYS PUT YOUR BEST FOOT FORWARD! HAVE FUN!!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing this information Symph. YOU ROCK!
This seems to be a hot topic, and, I agree with a lot of it. Boring is the kiss of death, when making or posting a video. Passion means a lot, and makes up for a lot of things missing in a video blog. For example, lack of equipment, bad lighting, or what ever. We watch videos, to be entertained, to be moved, to feel emotional, to learn. But, never do we watch a video to be bored out of our minds! I think of a video blog, like giving a very passionate speech. And, not to talk about what is so boring or wrong with my life. Don't get me, wrong. I do believe in freedom of speech. But, I also believe in the right. To not have to watch a boring or unemotional video.
This seems to be a hot topic, and, I agree with a lot of it. Boring is the kiss of death, when making or posting a video. Passion means a lot, and makes up for a lot of things missing in a video blog. For example, lack of equipment, bad lighting, or what ever. We watch videos, to be entertained, to be moved, to feel emotional, to learn. But, never do we watch a video to be bored out of our minds! I think of a video blog, like giving a very passionate speech. And, not to talk about what is so boring or wrong with my life. Don't get me, wrong. I do believe in freedom of speech. But, I also believe in the right. To not have to watch a boring or unemotional video.
Well exactly, anyone can post anything they want on youtube, but these tips are meant to show you have to get people to want to keep seeing more of it. And they may not all be necessary at once, taking out 1 or 2 of these things isn't always the kiss of death. But if you don't have at least a few of these qualities, expect views from your mom, your dad, your dog and your best buddies from highschool LOL... I made this when I had seen alot of vlogs that would ramble, and leave in parts where the person was stumbling over words and forgetting what they were saying and the whole vlog was "so today I went to the store and I got some eggs and milk, then I came home and studied for exams, I'm not sure what to talk about, what do you guys want me to say?" kind of vlogs and I was like "ok... you gotta think of this from the viewer's perspective man" LOL