Subscribers have stayed the same amount :/ Help please?

Defiantly play games that just come out (even free ones) You may not want to change from FPS etc. but I would recommend maybe trying Slender custom maps, a few are still in the works and they give you a date, as soon as it comes out record and upload. Gotta be first on those :P just a suggestion that should get quite a few more views.
Defiantly play games that just come out (even free ones) You may not want to change from FPS etc. but I would recommend maybe trying Slender custom maps, a few are still in the works and they give you a date, as soon as it comes out record and upload. Gotta be first on those :p just a suggestion that should get quite a few more views.
Slender isn't really what I do tbh. I tried it but I guess I was smart and pressed esc every time I got scared lmao! However, I will try to be the first to do an AC3 playthrough so I'm hoping that will get me a good amount of attention :D Thank you for the advice!
I noticed that you use commentary on your channel updates and such, but not during actual playthroughs? Try providing some commentary while playing an actual game and you might capture the interest of some more people.
I noticed that you use commentary on your channel updates and such, but not during actual playthroughs? Try providing some commentary while playing an actual game and you might capture the interest of some more people.
Well I will be doing a playthrough on AC3 but the reason I won't be putting commentary is that I will lose focus on the game and I won't know what's happened XD Also, I think it might be better for people who want to watch as well. They'd rather hear what's going on in the game rather than my voice. That's how I see it anyway
Depends on the game you play. I can't play a match of Battlefield 3 if my life depended on it while giving commentary. Just won't work. BUT you could always record your commentary afterwards if it's really such a big deal.

Also the reason why video game playthroughs are so well liked is because viewers get to experience the thought process of the person playing it. There is no 1 single way to play most video games so it's interesting to hear why someone does what he does.
Depends on the game you play. I can't play a match of Battlefield 3 if my life depended on it while giving commentary. Just won't work. BUT you could always record your commentary afterwards if it's really such a big deal.

Also the reason why video game playthroughs are so well liked is because viewers get to experience the thought process of the person playing it. There is no 1 single way to play most video games so it's interesting to hear why someone does what he does.
I do live commentary on my Fifa 13 videos so I have no problem giving live commentary when I'm playing a game. I also do commentaries with my channel update (as you have said) and my YouTube help videos. However, when it comes to playthroughs I just don't add any commentary at all. It's a personal preference really XD If I get loads of people asking me to add commentary onto my playthroughs then I will.
I'm also having this problem and I'm on 32 at the minute and would love to get like 50 i guess, I play like f1 which isn't massivley viewed but its just not working:/
Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get them eventually. I only have 6 subs at the moment, 4 of which are friends of mine. Now THAT's depressing :D. I have faith in my work though, just keep making new stuff, keep promoting it and it will happen eventually.