Stuck in network


I have been apart of this network "adrev" for 7 months now. I never meant to join. I never actually sent a request to any networks at the time. It sent a request to me, I was dumb at the time, so I clicked "Learn More". That made me automatically join the network, and unwillingly. I have sent multiple emails to adrev, talking about this. They have never responded to a single one.
Well when you click learn more you actully need to click 3 times before you accept the invite,even youtube warns you on seccond step that you need to make sure if you want to accept the invite and tell you also about the risks of joining one. Its only your fault,and no one here cant help you with that,even youtube in that seccond tab warned you also that they cant help you either if you accept the invite,meaning you are on your own and your contract.But if you didnt sing up any contract you will probablly be locked in forever.If you did sign up one,then see when it expires.If its alredy expired only option is to sue network in order to relase your channel. You can also try to contact youtube support and expain them situation,but in all honesty when they see that you and olny you purposley accepted a shady network invite ,they will probably decide to not help you at all.Googl/Youtube is very strict when peoples make mistakes,you need to be very lucky and 100% right before they even decide to help you.. But good luck with that... Thats pretty much all I cant think of it right now....Peace