Straying From Gaming...

Jacob Alsobrook

Yes, I have pants. Do I wear them? No.
I was inspired last night... Watching Symphs, IsntChrisL, JohnKenShow. And... Um... And the dude with no arm... SLYTH!!! Yeah him. And a couple others. They have hilarious sketches and I used to make sketches as well but I haven't in I think about a month now. I started my gaming channel and that was a HUGE distraction from doin what I love. Sketches. So I am getting back into them and makin as many scripts as I can, I'm backed up on dem brain juices. I'll still post on my gaming channel but thats going to be 2nd priority now. And I'm no longer having it in my sig either... Just cause. Thanks fo readin!

Oh, and the question is... What are your thoughts on Gaming channels and Sketch/Vlog channels. Which one do you do, and which do you like watching the most! Cheers! Wait... I'm not from the UK... Still, cheers! :D
I prefer gaming channels. I treat them as podcasts and only listen to the audio. Gameplays just no longer impress me. So I'll listen to em while doing homework or gaming myself. I can't sit and watch sketches
I prefer gaming channels. I treat them as podcasts and only listen to the audio. Gameplays just no longer impress me. So I'll listen to em while doing homework or gaming myself. I can't sit and watch sketches
I can see that. I usually don't watch gaming for the games either xD I listen, and if something is happening on screen that like looks funny. I might pull it up for a sec and look.