[Still going] Give me some dares guys! I know you can.

truth: what was your most embarrassing moment?
what's one thing you're obsessed with?
what habit of yours do your parents hate?

go on omegle.com and draw a stranger and show them your picture
fit as many gumballs (or whatever type of food) in your mouth as possible
keep asking your parents about their dreams or something until they feel really uncomfortable
truth: what was your most embarrassing moment?
what's one thing you're obsessed with?
what habit of yours do your parents hate?

go on omegle.com and draw a stranger and show them your picture
fit as many gumballs (or whatever type of food) in your mouth as possible
keep asking your parents about their dreams or something until they feel really uncomfortable
Thank you for all of that :P
Dare - Do a handstand in public
Dare - Take a shot of ketchup
Dare - Take a shot of pancake syrup
hahah Thank you, I'm not so keen to do the shot of ketchup, it tastes .. hmm.. yah. I'll do it though. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1388234258,1388207796][/DOUBLEPOST]

Truth: When was the last time you wet the bed?
Dare: Hmm... well, there are a lot of things you can do. Eat a raw egg, drink a shot glass full of pickle juice, run out in the street and yell at the top of your lungs "I LOVE ONE DIRECTION!!!!" Any of those will do :)

I have just eaten the raw egg.... oh Lord.