Starting A Gaming Channel?

So wait, 2 more questions:

1- Whats a good software for recording games on the computer?
2- Where's a good place to find free indie games?

I'm partial towards OBS (Open Broadcast Software) myself. As for free indie games that's a bit harder, I don't know one central location, but you'll have to look around a bit to find them. Someone else might be able to suggest a hub of them though.
So wait, 2 more questions:

1- Whats a good software for recording games on the computer?
2- Where's a good place to find free indie games?
I'd go with a capture card if you want good quality, that's just cause I know their good but never used fraps or anything.
Yes mostly the best bet is a capture card most likey a HD PVR maybe i have a roxio its very easy to use :)
Yup I got a Hauppauge HD PVR 2 best deal ever traded one of friends at his little game store in town a kinect for it and it was brand new he just didn't want it and plus he was sellin it for 100$ in store but hooked it up. Otherwise i'd go with a computer card than the pvr since of prices.