Spreadsheet For Youtube Videos


New Member

Does anyone do Spreadsheets / Excel sheets to keep track of Youtube videos and ideas? Can you show how yours look? Mine looks like this (for now):Screenshot_1.png
I use a spreadsheet to track my channel growth, but not video ideas. For new ideas I use a folder named 'video ideas'. Inside I open a folder for each new idea. It usually starts with just a doc, then pics and video might get added. When the folder starts to look ripe - I pluck it and make a video.

I might soon go to Athens, so I have made a sheet to dump ideas into, should I make the move.

I just use Word. Its just when to upload, point to follow and good facts to keep in mind.


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I use a spreadsheet for keeping track of my YouTube ideas too! It’s been a huge help in organizing everything. My setup is pretty straightforward – I have columns for video titles, content ideas, and deadlines. I also added a column for notes on potential sponsors and collaborations. Last month, I stumbled upon this site, https://www.myexcelonline.com/ , which has some great tips for using Excel more efficiently. Their tips really helped me streamline my process and keep things organized. I ended up tweaking my sheet with some new formulas and conditional formatting that make tracking progress way easier.
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