something fresh and new

adding the itsy bisty part etc gives it more of the WTF factor
I suppose, I can't envision it really. An idea I had once was taking a windex bottle and filling it with water, then act like you're washing a window in a public place, maybe on a bus where everyone can see you, start washing it normal, then look curious, spray it in your mouth, look like that tasted good, spray it in your mouth again, then just take the top off and start drinking out of the bottle, then start shaking like you're about to have a seizure, but tear open your shirt to reveal a giant W on your chest and yell "I HAVE BECOME WINDEX MAN!!!!!!!!!" And run away singing a theme song to yourself loudly.[DOUBLEPOST=1400047585,1400047528][/DOUBLEPOST]
what about for like comedy channel likes kingsley is it really possible to copy a comedy channel??
n0t jokes but styles you know. I basically just mean that like, you do the tags, you stick to commonly used premises, you stick to a commonly seen humor style. Originality isn't a must but you do have to think of your own material of course hehehe
I suppose, I can't envision it really. An idea I had once was taking a windex bottle and filling it with water, then act like you're washing a window in a public place, maybe on a bus where everyone can see you, start washing it normal, then look curious, spray it in your mouth, look like that tasted good, spray it in your mouth again, then just take the top off and start drinking out of the bottle, then start shaking like you're about to have a seizure, but tear open your shirt to reveal a giant W on your chest and yell "I HAVE BECOME WINDEX MAN!!!!!!!!!" And run away singing a theme song to yourself loudly. LOOOOOL OMG I acutally just laughed so hard

n0t jokes but styles you know. I basically just mean that like, you do the tags, you stick to commonly used premises, you stick to a commonly seen humor style. Originality isn't a must but you do have to think of your own material of course hehehe
yeaa I guess :P
yeaa I guess :p


tee hee
I don't know about the abc's and itsy bitsy spider part, I'd do it silently, staring the cash register person dead in the eyes. Almost intimidatingly as if you're like "Yeah that's right, I'm puttin your burger all over my face, you like that? Do ya punk?" Then keep staring, take the drink and calmly dump it on your head. Then start smiling but like, crazy eyes, don't respond to anyone. Then back out the door, never taking your eyes off of the register person, and once you're out the door run like hell.
That would work too... I just think the WTF factor would be higher with the singing and the victory lap[DOUBLEPOST=1400050129,1400049866][/DOUBLEPOST]
I kinda disagree. I mean, that's all I do. Stuff nobody else is doing, comedy you rarely see, music that doesn't sound like anyone else's. And it's one of the reasons I DON'T get more action on my channel. What you REALLY need to do is the trendy stuff everyone else is doing, just BETTER than they do it. But thinking too outside the box on youtube confuses alot of potential subscribers, and if you were staying within a realm they are more used to they might be more willing to give you a shot. And I'm not the only one we have quite a few channels on here who have a quirky way of vlogging that no one else is touching and they're also not getting huge amounts of followers.

You know who I see doing really well on here? The channels that immitate the large channels really well. The channels that post cute dogs or cute kids or the stuff everyone knows goes viral. The people who do challenges or eat things that make them throw up, the people who do pranks. The gamers playing minecraft. The really artistic channels who push out of the boundries of what is popular? I don't know of any that are shooting up the ladder super fast, but the ones who immitate what we know works? Quite a few of them are doing really well for themselves.
Hey hey hey, I just saw that you mentioned cute dogs... I started out posting my navy weapons being bad a**, and then i converted to cute dogs... give me a break here a bit.... They are both very similar, only a bit different. Anyways, my dog videos have been boss lately, my military videos remain around the same pace....
That would work too... I just think the WTF factor would be higher with the singing and the victory lap[DOUBLEPOST=1400050129,1400049866][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hey hey hey, I just saw that you mentioned cute dogs... I started out posting my navy weapons being bad a**, and then i converted to cute dogs... give me a break here a bit.... They are both very similar, only a bit different. Anyways, my dog videos have been boss lately, my military videos remain around the same pace....
I can't tell if you're joking or serious.... lol I'll respond as if you're serious just in case. I never once said there was anything wrong with doing the kind of content we know gets views and know works. I'm not one of those people who jumps on people for "selling out" or anything like that. If it gets results it gets results, if it's something you're good at and interested in do it, he was just saying at the start of the thread that he thought the secret to success would be doing something totally unique and fresh and different, and I was trying to say that from what I've observed that's not really true. Unique and fresh and different often times goes much less noticed than "tried and true and always works".

When I start my 3rd channel my intention is to lower the amount of weird and jump on alot more trends and bandwagons so I'm not spinning this negatively, just saying what I think works.