I suppose, I can't envision it really. An idea I had once was taking a windex bottle and filling it with water, then act like you're washing a window in a public place, maybe on a bus where everyone can see you, start washing it normal, then look curious, spray it in your mouth, look like that tasted good, spray it in your mouth again, then just take the top off and start drinking out of the bottle, then start shaking like you're about to have a seizure, but tear open your shirt to reveal a giant W on your chest and yell "I HAVE BECOME WINDEX MAN!!!!!!!!!" And run away singing a theme song to yourself loudly. LOOOOOL OMG I acutally just laughed so hard
n0t jokes but styles you know. I basically just mean that like, you do the tags, you stick to commonly used premises, you stick to a commonly seen humor style. Originality isn't a must but you do have to think of your own material of course hehehe