something fresh and new


Active Member
I think everyone who wants a big break on youtube including myself needs to do something that has never been done before but its s0 hard to come up with content that's funny and enjoyable to watch without putting urself in danger other than that we cant be recycling ideas!
I went ahead and moved this to Scripts, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning. :)

If you're looking for new ideas, I'd recommend something along the lines of posting a game of Monopoly. Those almost always end in pure chaos, and it'd make for a fun watch for anyone who comes across it. I don't think there's anyone who does that full time. :eek:
Buy a Whopper (or any burger). When you get it, unwrap it at the counter and start rubbing it in your face and hair while screaming the song "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". When the song is done, drop it and then run around the store as fast as you can while singing your ABCs as fast as you can, then dart out the door and run down the street. The reaction of the other people in the store will be what makes the video epic. I've posted this idea multiple times, still no takers.
I think everyone who wants a big break on youtube including myself needs to do something that has never been done before but its s0 hard to come up with content that's funny and enjoyable to watch without putting urself in danger other than that we cant be recycling ideas!
I kinda disagree. I mean, that's all I do. Stuff nobody else is doing, comedy you rarely see, music that doesn't sound like anyone else's. And it's one of the reasons I DON'T get more action on my channel. What you REALLY need to do is the trendy stuff everyone else is doing, just BETTER than they do it. But thinking too outside the box on youtube confuses alot of potential subscribers, and if you were staying within a realm they are more used to they might be more willing to give you a shot. And I'm not the only one we have quite a few channels on here who have a quirky way of vlogging that no one else is touching and they're also not getting huge amounts of followers.

You know who I see doing really well on here? The channels that immitate the large channels really well. The channels that post cute dogs or cute kids or the stuff everyone knows goes viral. The people who do challenges or eat things that make them throw up, the people who do pranks. The gamers playing minecraft. The really artistic channels who push out of the boundries of what is popular? I don't know of any that are shooting up the ladder super fast, but the ones who immitate what we know works? Quite a few of them are doing really well for themselves.
Buy a Whopper (or any burger). When you get it, unwrap it at the counter and start rubbing it in your face and hair while screaming the song "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". When the song is done, drop it and then run around the store as fast as you can while singing your ABCs as fast as you can, then dart out the door and run down the street. The reaction of the other people in the store will be what makes the video epic. I've posted this idea multiple times, still no takers.
YOO BRO UR IDEA KILLED ME it has me double thinking now
YOO BRO UR IDEA KILLED ME it has me double thinking now
I don't know about the abc's and itsy bitsy spider part, I'd do it silently, staring the cash register person dead in the eyes. Almost intimidatingly as if you're like "Yeah that's right, I'm puttin your burger all over my face, you like that? Do ya punk?" Then keep staring, take the drink and calmly dump it on your head. Then start smiling but like, crazy eyes, don't respond to anyone. Then back out the door, never taking your eyes off of the register person, and once you're out the door run like hell.
okay I get where ur coming
I kinda disagree. I mean, that's all I do. Stuff nobody else is doing, comedy you rarely see, music that doesn't sound like anyone else's. And it's one of the reasons I DON'T get more action on my channel. What you REALLY need to do is the trendy stuff everyone else is doing, just BETTER than they do it. But thinking too outside the box on youtube confuses alot of potential subscribers, and if you were staying within a realm they are more used to they might be more willing to give you a shot. And I'm not the only one we have quite a few channels on here who have a quirky way of vlogging that no one else is touching and they're also not getting huge amounts of followers.

You know who I see doing really well on here? The channels that immitate the large channels really well. The channels that post cute dogs or cute kids or the stuff everyone knows goes viral. The people who do challenges or eat things that make them throw up, the people who do pranks. The gamers playing minecraft. The really artistic channels who push out of the boundries of what is popular? I don't know of any that are shooting up the ladder super fast, but the ones who immitate what we know works? Quite a few of them are doing really well for themselves.

okay I get where ur coming but you just answered my question u have the push the boundaries' I didn't mean it has to be complete original content but even if it was recycled you have to make it ur own that no has done its like adding peanut butter to rice who does that? that pushing the boundaries and that original and if ur thinking how I'm thinking then u would know what I mean by a big break[DOUBLEPOST=1400047051,1400046979][/DOUBLEPOST]
Just think what people will do... It's a totally wtf situation
I swear I wanna do but how are u suppose to record and cacth everyones reaction ? in Canada ur not allowed to record in a store or people In general[DOUBLEPOST=1400047180][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't know about the abc's and itsy bitsy spider part, I'd do it silently, staring the cash register person dead in the eyes. Almost intimidatingly as if you're like "Yeah that's right, I'm puttin your burger all over my face, you like that? Do ya punk?" Then keep staring, take the drink and calmly dump it on your head. Then start smiling but like, crazy eyes, don't respond to anyone. Then back out the door, never taking your eyes off of the register person, and once you're out the door run like hell.

adding the itsy bisty part etc gives it more of the WTF factor
okay I get where ur coming

okay I get where ur coming but you just answered my question u have the push the boundaries' I didn't mean it has to be complete original content but even if it was recycled you have to make it ur own that no has done its like adding peanut butter to rice who does that? that pushing the boundaries and that original and if ur thinking how I'm thinking then u would know what I mean by a big break
Well sorta. I mean it CAN go well for you, but there has to be a resemblance to something people know. Putting a spin on something that's been done or is popular, but even then it's not really necessary. There are channels that are carbon copies of large channels that do really well. I mean just look at the music scene, youtube is not the only area of entertainment that this applies. There are SOME very unique artists that have hits, but it's rare. Usually it's a slight spin on the same stuff we hear all the time, or there's no spin at all, it's just another typical pop song. There are exceptions, but originality is not necessary to success, and in some cases makes being successful even harder.
Well sorta. I mean it CAN go well for you, but there has to be a resemblance to something people know. Putting a spin on something that's been done or is popular, but even then it's not really necessary. There are channels that are carbon copies of large channels that do really well. I mean just look at the music scene, youtube is not the only area of entertainment that this applies. There are SOME very unique artists that have hits, but it's rare. Usually it's a slight spin on the same stuff we hear all the time, or there's no spin at all, it's just another typical pop song. There are exceptions, but originality is not necessary to success, and in some cases makes being successful even harder.

what about for like comedy channel likes kingsley is it really possible to copy a comedy channel??