Someone 'reacted' to my video!

Actually, I discovered Sabrina's channel while perusing posts here at YTTalk. Her sense of humor absolutely slays me! I thought maybe us doing a reaction video to one of her vids might hopefully give her a little bump in exposure.

When we do reactions at our channel, I only react to videos I really enjoy. If we watch one and it's not our thing, I just don't post it. I don't want to bring anyone down. I always try my best to promote the creators of any video we react to as much as possible. For instance, we just watched - and loved! - the Scott Sterling video, so I ordered one of his jerseys and I'm gonna give it away at the channel, so that will hopefully keep conversation at our place going about the creators, Studio C.

I'm certainly not a "big" YouTuber by any stretch, but whenever I see something funny on YT, I love to help get the word out for a new/smaller channel any time I can.
Actually, I discovered Sabrina's channel while perusing posts here at YTTalk. Her sense of humor absolutely slays me! I thought maybe us doing a reaction video to one of her vids might hopefully give her a little bump in exposure.

When we do reactions at our channel, I only react to videos I really enjoy. If we watch one and it's not our thing, I just don't post it. I don't want to bring anyone down. I always try my best to promote the creators of any video we react to as much as possible. For instance, we just watched - and loved! - the Scott Sterling video, so I ordered one of his jerseys and I'm gonna give it away at the channel, so that will hopefully keep conversation at our place going about the creators, Studio C.

I'm certainly not a "big" YouTuber by any stretch, but whenever I see something funny on YT, I love to help get the word out for a new/smaller channel any time I can.
That's really cool of you! :biggrin: :bounce:
Actually, I discovered Sabrina's channel while perusing posts here at YTTalk.
Ohhh I had no idea you were a member here! :wideyed2: :redface:

I'm certainly not a "big" YouTuber by any stretch, but whenever I see something funny on YT, I love to help get the word out for a new/smaller channel any time I can.
You're the opposite of those reaction channels that aim to earn views and money by stealing popular YouTubers' content while contributing nothing of their own, and you can be proud of that. :thumbsup2:
Out of all the things that can happen on YouTube I did NOT think that this would happen :D

The channel Spaz Boys Comedy asked me for permission to react to my "How to Gain Likes" sketch and of course I said yes. I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but they ended up saying such nice things and encouraged their viewers to check out my channel. I went from 160 subs to 197!
I gotta say, equally amazing was getting to watch someone laugh at my stupid jokes. :laugh2:

If anyone of you is unhappy about your growth, remember that you can always get a boost from something completely unexpected! :)
Congrats, Sabrina! You're well on your way That's very impressive about your increase in subs. Looks like we're progressing. Keep up the good work! =)
AWESOME!! Whatever your video was about was obviously moving enough for them to make a reaction video out of it. Whatever your doing keep doing it because its obviously working. Well done on getting someone to react to your video :D