Social Life Mini Series

That's a pretty good idea, mate! their's a guy on youtube that did something KIND of like this what you are talking about.. his name is gazzytube on youtube and he collaborated with a few other youtubers to make a video named "The Only Way We Know is youtube". How long of a series were you thinking?

You mind sending me a link I searched the name and the channel and couldn't seem to find it >.<
Instead of trying to pretend the friends are actually interacting face-to-face, perhaps we can have them be from different parts of the country and their connection is through their love of YouTube. Basically, like how it is with a lot of us from YTtalk.

They discuss different events, and 'drama' of life or the internet through conferences on "Skype" (obviously we would have to create our own made-up version of a Skpye-like platform). That way the interaction/dialogue is a lot more natural. The storylines would be based around that. I don't know just an idea lol :)
Okay I got this. Nice kid, do you mind if I take over? I have a bunch of ideas that I think might work. I promise ill be a fair director guys! !
Okay I got this. Nice kid, do you mind if I take over? I have a bunch of ideas that I think might work. I promise ill be a fair director guys! !

I really don't think anyone should take over. We're just brainstorming right now. Share your ideas lol :)
I really don't think anyone should take over. We're just brainstorming right now. Share your ideas lol :)
LOL I just realized how bossy and mean my post sounded. :P
I just wanna put everything together and sort of plan it out using everyone's ideas. So I'd be the glue and you guys are the nachos! :D
LOL I just realized how bossy and mean my post sounded. :p
I just wanna put everything together and sort of plan it out using everyone's ideas. So I'd be the glue and you guys are the nachos! :D

why would glue and nachos be.... anyways
Anyways for anyone who is wondering. I'm gonna be writing a few pages for the story this week. Feel free to throw ideas at me. If you want.
Social Life Mini Series

First off just wanted to mention that everything you are going to read is just an idea and is free ground for anyone to steal... Don't wait for me to do this, or feel bad for taking my idea. Feel free to change whatever you want to change. Unless you're a TV production company, in which case I want my cut! >.< lol.

Sooo like I mentioned in my other "Video Ideas" thread, it's seem like all of us on YT really want to collab with each other. The thing is we live all over the world and that most of us are not monetarily gifted and that prevents us from all getting to one venue and shooting a video.

So why not create a video that somewhat revolves around life on the internet. Featuring things like
-Social Media
-Gaming ...idk just brainstorming.

This is somewhat the story I have in my head.
4 Friend graduated from school and then they all moved far away from each other to jump start their life. They hangout daily...or weekly... or whenever and sorta try to keep in touch with each other. The whole thing would be scripted.

Of the four there would be:

  1. (The Dreamer) A person who hasn't yet reached their dream but is striving to reach it. Something like becoming a performer, and is easily discouraged because people keep telling them that it's an impossible dream.
  2. (The Realist) A person who seem to shoot down everyone dream but is trying to help. Maybe this is the successful one in the group. They're trying to help her/his friends become successful but some of the things they say are some time harsh. They usually make good choices.
  3. (The Freebird) Someone who seems to be having the most fun with their life but isn't very responsible. Possible the youngest in the group

The story would equally follow all of them. The good and the bad. Fun and fight. In place of storming out you would have people who just disconnect from the convo.

The more i write the more I feel like I'm writing the story of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and The Secrets of Peaches lol anyways that's enough brain storming for now.

Thanks for reading this whole thing. Comment if you hate, like, don't care, think it's stupid, this its awesome, would be a part of it, would like to write, would like to see this done, would like to see this burn!! lol anyways if you read all my thoughts, with all the grammar mistake and typo then (you are awesome).

i really dig this idea, and I would love to be a part of it (if you let me of course). also, I apologize for coming late, I just saw this.

anyway, I've been thinking of ways to collab with the various youtubers and thought about having it revolve around webcam (which is very similar to what you have said). But your idea sounds much better than the thought process in my head, haha!

can I suggest a character type? how about a person who's trying to fit in, the Socially Awkward kid. We're not talking socially crippling awkward (like, can't speak at all in front of crowds) but a toned down awkward. Something like this:
(The Socially Awkward Kid): This guy has been lucky to make some very close friends over the years. But now he's without them in the real world, struggling to adapt. To his best friends, he/she is an enthusiatic, upbeat spirit who constantly talks about the latest video games or conventions (or whatever you define as "nerdy" things). However, take him/her out of her comfort zone, and he/she becomes the complete opposite. Quiet, reserved. She suddenly makes very safe decisions, trying not to deviate from the "social norm" (or what he/she thinks in the social norm), trying to fit in. He/she is probably reluctant to tell the others that he/she is having a hard time, because it ruins the mood of their hangouts, but occasionally, in a 1-on-1, it comes up.

Just some food for thought, if you want to consider it