Social Blade / YouTube - overreporting views?

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Mine did that too, but I don't know where they came from... The two numbers between Social Blade and YouTube match, but I don't think they are right... o_0 I'm thinking it might have been something weird on YouTube's end, but I guess we'll find out.
Sometimes I have days where socialblade shows I have no views at all. Then a few days later they all show up on another day. I guess socialblade gets behind sometimes then they catch your views up later.
Yeah sometimes for what ever reason it gets behind, then stacks your accumulative views/subs etc when it catches up
My youtube is showing my overall views as being about 25% higher than they should be, and my adsense is doing the same. My channel is still newish and after counting all my videos I should only have a little under 2000 views, but both adsense and my channel are showing 2500ish on both. Is this normal? Why are both youtube and adsense showing 25% more views than I actually have.
Something probably isn't updating at the correct rate. Check it again tomorrow and see what it says. That's the only thing I can think of though.
Mine has done this in the last few days, for some reason the views have gone up way above what they should normally. According to Social Blade stats, a lot of other channels that I follow have all had the same thing. I'm assuming there is a bug in the way YouTube counts views and that it'll be adjusted back down again in a few days time
Total Views count is increasing like crazy. Crearly it is a bug because there is a big discrepance between Youtube analytics and Socialblade data. In my case Youtube analytics is reporting 14000 views in Sunday, but in the other hand according Socialblade data I've gained 122000 views in only one day xDDD.
I don't think this is the case for me.. I don't think I would be 22,000 views behind and then it now says I did 34,000 yesterday..[DOUBLEPOST=1484567940,1484567877][/DOUBLEPOST]
Total Views count is increasing like crazy. Crearly it is a bug because there is a big discrepance between Youtube analytics and Socialblade data. In my case Youtube analytics is reporting 14000 views in Sunday, but in the other hand according Socialblade data I've gained 122000 views in only one day xDDD.

Yes, must be.. as much as I wish it were true though haha
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