social blade stats

Your stats have been updated 9 times so far today on Socialblade-just click on daily to see what times they check (Central Time US) your account. Stats from today aren't added to the 30 day total until the day is over.
i just clicked on daily stats and i only see the subscribers section. not views ..
i just clicked on daily stats and i only see the subscribers section. not views ..

Views are only updated once a day or less, which is entirely dependent on the numbers released from youtube. Socialblade only tallies the public numbers, so it's based on the view count shown on your youtube account to the public. If that number doesn't update for a few days, then socialblade will show zero for those days in which the number did not update. The same goes for VidstatsX.
Views are only updated once a day or less, which is entirely dependent on the numbers released from youtube. Socialblade only tallies the public numbers, so it's based on the view count shown on your youtube account to the public. If that number doesn't update for a few days, then socialblade will show zero for those days in which the number did not update. The same goes for VidstatsX.
i know that.. but i said that before wednesday the views on SB were updating every hour or two but since wednesday only once a day. and i dont an update until next day. im not complainig im just lleting know.. also i tought your avatar was a man face with a beard.. but i now see that is not jajaja
Meh its happening for everyone.... i hate the fact they just take views away from you then it just like stoppeed updating.. they also have just got a new layout so that might be lagging the website too.
i dnt like vidstats i dnt get it. -_- also i can not check todays views. only yesterdays. thats what i dont like..
You are right, this didn't start until they took views away a couple of days ago. Now it seems to update once a day, early in the morning. Then it's stuck like that, but that's because it's happening on YouTube also. YouTube drives the train.
You are right, this didn't start until they took views away a couple of days ago. Now it seems to update once a day, early in the morning. Then it's stuck like that, but that's because it's happening on YouTube also. YouTube drives the train.
exactly what you just said..
Can anyone tell when the new day starts on socialblade stats (what GMT)? Thanks a lot! :)
(Did not want to post separate topic for this small question, sorry for little off-topic)