Congrats :)
Why not sit down with nothing planned and thank them all :)
And talk about what you want in the future YouTube wise
Sing 99 bottles of beer on the wall.
This idea, is by far, the best idea ever! AND I SHALL STEAL IT.... YEEEEES... YEEEEEEES MUAHAHAHAHA


(i promise not to steal it, i just needed an excuse for an evil laugh! :d)
So I just reached 100 subs (yay!) and I want to do like a thank you video that is entertaining and funny that will almost be like an incentive to have me get more subscribers to see more of a thank you video that is entertaining a funny. know what i mean? I just need help brainstorming some ideas. Thanks!
You could perhaps shoutout some people in your video.
Maybe do an epic Food Challenge like EpicMealTime for a good laugh, lol
You could do:

Q and A
Challenge video

Or you could ask your viewers what they want to see.

Just some ideas :tongue::D
i think you should start a project. like a painting or a lego sculpture or something. make a start of the project (but make it somthing awesome) then in the video you show your viewers the start of it. and every time you gain another 100 subs, you add to this thing, your viewers will really want to see it finished, so they may help share videos ect to encourage the finished piece :)

just a thought ahah